SDK - Secondary

How to Install and Setup the Mojito Secondary-marketplace SDK module.


The Secondary Marketplace SDK is a powerful platform that enables users to purchase Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) using cryptocurrency. This SDK offers a range of functionalities to facilitate seamless transactions within the secondary NFT market. This documentation will focus on the key features of the SDK, including the Product Details Page (PDP), making offers, buying now, accepting offers, rejecting offers, listing items, removing listings, editing listings, and canceling offers.

This guide will help you better understand how to use and integrate the Secondary-marketplace SDK into your application.



For more detailed information, examples and theme customizations, you can refer to the NPM Public repository here.


Before proceeding with the installation steps, ensure that you have the following prerequisites in place:

  1. Node.js and NPM/Yarn: Make sure you have Node.js installed on your machine, and the Node.js version should be 18 or higher. along with either NPM (Node Package Manager) or Yarn. You can download and install Node.js from the official website here.
  2. API URL: Determine the appropriate API URL to use based on your environment.
  3. NEXT js: We are recommended to use Next.js for this SDK.

Installation and Setup

Step 1: Install the Secondary-marketplace Module

Install the Mojito Secondary-marketplace SDK module on your project by using one of the following methods below:

Install using NPM:

  npm i @mojito-inc/secondary-market

Install using Yarn:

  yarn add @mojito-inc/secondary-market

Step 2: Wrap the Provider and Set API URL, Bearer Token and Theme

In your project's root file, follow these steps to wrap the provider and configure the API URL, Bearer token and Theme:

  1. Determine the appropriate API URL based on your environment:

    • For the development environment, set API_URL to
    • For the production environment, set API_URL to
  2. Wrap the provider using the SecondaryMarketProvider component from the Mojito Secondary-marketplace SDK.

    • Import the SecondaryMarketProvider from @mojito-inc/secondary-market in your JavaScript file.
    • Use the SecondaryMarketProvider component and provide the following props:
      • uri: Set this prop to the determined API_URL based on your environment.
      • token: Pass the obtained JWT token or Auth0 token as the value for this prop. Use the format Bearer <Token>.
import { SecondaryMarketProvider } from "@mojito-inc/secondary-market";
import { ThemeProvider } from '@mui/material/styles';

const client = {
  uri: API_URL,
  token: tokenData ? `Bearer ${ tokenData }` : undefined,

<ThemeProvider theme={ theme }>
  <SecondaryMarketProvider clientOptions={ client } theme={ theme }>
    { children }

Step 3: Integrate Product Details Page (PDP)

To use the Product Details Page feature, follow these steps:

Import the necessary modules from the @mojito-inc/secondary-market package:



To get the wallet details, please refer to our Connect Wallet SDK document. Once the wallet is connected, you will receive the wallet details. Pass the wallet details in the respective module.

import { ProductDetailPage } from "@mojito-inc/secondary-market";

        config={ configuration }
        Image={ Image }
        walletDetails={ walletDetails }
        onClickDisconnectWallet={ onClickDisconnectWallet }
        onConnectWallet={ onConnectWallet }
        onRefetchBalance={ onRefetchBalance }
        tokenDetails={ tokenDetails } />

Fill in the required parameters for the ProductDetailPage

onClickDisconnectWalletfunction-βœ…function to handle disconnect wallet
onConnectWalletfunction-βœ…function to handle connect wallet
onRefetchBalancefunctionβœ…function to handle refetch balance

Fill in the required parameters for the Configuration

orgIdstringβœ…organisation id
infuraIdstringβœ…infura id to connect wallet
paperClientIdstringβœ…paper client id to connect with email

Fill in the required parameters for the walletOptions

enableMetamaskbooleanβœ…to enable or disable metamask
enableWalletConnectbooleanβœ…to enable or disable wallet connect
enableEmailbooleanβœ…to enable or disable email connect

Fill in the required parameters for the Image

ethIconstringβœ…eth icon in svg, png, jpeg or gif format
metamaskstringβœ…metamask icon in svg, png, jpeg or gif format
walletConnectstringβœ…wallet connect icon in svg, png, jpeg or gif format
logostringβœ…logo icon in svg, png, jpeg or gif format
loaderstringβœ…loader icon in svg, png, jpeg or gif format



Integrate Listing Item or Remove listing Modal

To use the Listing Item or Remove listing Modal feature, follow these steps:

Import the necessary modules from the @mojito-inc/secondary-market package:



To get the wallet details, please refer to our Connect Wallet SDK document. Once the wallet is connected, you will receive the wallet details. Pass the wallet details in the respective module.

import { ListItemContainer } from "@mojito-inc/secondary-market";

        open={ open }
        image={ Image }
        config={ configuration }
        tokenDetails={ tokenDetails }
        isRemoveListing={ isRemoveListing }
        walletDetails={ walletDetails }
        onClickViewItem={ onCloseListItemModal }
        onClickBackToMarketPlace={ onCloseListItemModal }
        onCloseModal={ onCloseListItemModal }
        onConnectWallet={ onConnectWallet } />

Fill in the required parameters for the ListItemContainer

openbooleanβœ…to open modal
isRemoveListingbooleanβœ…should be true to render remove listing modal
onClickBackToMarketPlacefunction-βœ…function to handle custom redirection
onClickViewItemfunctionβœ…function to handle custom redirection
onConnectWalletfunction-βœ…function to handle connect wallet
onCloseModalfunctionβœ…function to handle close modal


list item

Integrate Buy Now Modal

To use the Buy Now Modal feature, follow these steps:

Import the necessary modules from the @mojito-inc/secondary-market package:



To get the wallet details, please refer to our Connect Wallet SDK document. Once the wallet is connected, you will receive the wallet details. Pass the wallet details in the respective module.

import { BuyNow } from "@mojito-inc/secondary-market";

        open={ open }
        config={ configuration }
        image={ Image }
        tokenDetails={ tokenDetails }
        walletDetails={ walletDetails }
        onClickViewItem={ onCloseBuyNowModal }
        onClickBackToMarketPlace={ onCloseBuyNowModal }
        onClickConnectWallet={ onConnectWallet }
        onClickDisconnectWallet={ onClickDisconnectWallet }
        onCloseModal={ onCloseBuyNowModal }
        onRefetchBalance={ onRefetchBalance } />

Fill in the required parameters for the BuyNow

openbooleanβœ…to open modal
onRefetchBalancefunctionβœ…function to handle refetch balance logic
onClickBackToMarketPlacefunction-βœ…function to handle custom redirection
onClickViewItemfunctionβœ…function to handle custom redirection
onConnectWalletfunction-βœ…function to handle connect wallet
onClickDisconnectWalletfunctionβœ…function to handle disconnect wallet
onCloseModalfunctionβœ…function to handle close modal


buy now

Integrate Make Offer Modal

To use the Make Offer Modal feature, follow these steps:

Import the necessary modules from the @mojito-inc/secondary-market package:



To get the wallet details, please refer to our Connect Wallet SDK document. Once the wallet is connected, you will receive the wallet details. Pass the wallet details in the respective module.

import { MakeOffer } from "@mojito-inc/secondary-market";

        open={ open }
        config={ configuration }
        image={ Image }
        tokenDetails={ tokenDetails }
        offerOrderId={ orderId }
        isCancelOffer={ isCancelOffer }
        walletDetails={ walletDetails }
        onClickViewItem={ onCloseMakeOfferModal }
        onClickBackToMarketPlace={ onCloseMakeOfferModal }
        onRefetchBalance={ onRefetchBalance }
        onConnectWallet={ onConnectWallet }
        onCloseModal={ onCloseMakeOfferModal } />

Fill in the required parameters for the MakeOffer

openbooleanβœ…to open modal
isCancelOfferbooleanβœ…should be true to render cancel offer modal
orderIdstringβœ…Required for cancel offer
onRefetchBalancefunctionβœ…function to handle refetch balance logic
onClickBackToMarketPlacefunction-βœ…function to handle custom redirection
onClickViewItemfunctionβœ…function to handle custom redirection
onConnectWalletfunction-βœ…function to handle connect wallet
onCloseModalfunctionβœ…function to handle close modal


Integrate Accept Offer Modal

To use the Accept Offer Modal feature, follow these steps:

Import the necessary modules from the @mojito-inc/secondary-market package:



To get the wallet details, please refer to our Connect Wallet SDK document. Once the wallet is connected, you will receive the wallet details. Pass the wallet details in the respective module.

import { AcceptAndRejectOffer } from "@mojito-inc/secondary-market";

        open={ open }
        config={ configuration }
        image={ Image }
        tokenDetails={ tokenDetails }
        orderId={ orderId }
        isRejectOffer={ isRejectOffer }
        walletDetails={ walletDetails }
        onClickViewItem={ onCloseOfferModal }
        onClickBackToMarketPlace={ onCloseOfferModal }
        onConnectWallet={ onConnectWallet }
        onCloseModal={ onCloseOfferModal } />

Fill in the required parameters for the AcceptAndRejectOffer

openbooleanβœ…to open modal
isRejectOfferbooleanβœ…should be true to render reject offer modal
orderIdstringβœ…should pass order id to which order going to accept or reject
onClickBackToMarketPlacefunction-βœ…function to handle custom redirection
onClickViewItemfunctionβœ…function to handle custom redirection
onConnectWalletfunction-βœ…function to handle connect wallet
onCloseModalfunctionβœ…function to handle close modal


Integrate Account Wallet feature page

To use the Account Wallet feature, follow these steps:

Import the necessary modules from the @mojito-inc/secondary-market package:



To get the wallet details, please refer to our Connect Wallet SDK document. Once the wallet is connected, you will receive the wallet details. Pass the wallet details in the respective module.

import { WalletsPage } from "@mojito-inc/secondary-market";

enum ListingType {
   SALE = 'sale',
   CLAIMABLE = 'claimable',

    walletDetails={ walletDetails }
    config={ config }
    Image={ Image }
    tabConfig={ [
      tabLabel: 'Wallet',
      showTab: true,
    }, {
      tabLabel: 'Activity',
      showTab: true,
    }, {
      tabLabel: 'Account',
      showTab: true,
    ] }
    listingType={ ListingType?.CLAIMABLE }
    onClickLogout={ onClickDisconnectWallet }
    onConnectWallet={ onConnectWallet }
    onClickCard={ onClickCard }
    onViewItem={ onClickViewItem } /> 

Fill in the required parameters for the WalletsPage

showViewItemboolean-to show show View Item button in Activity tab
showInvoiceboolean-to show invoice download option in Activity tab
hideWalletBalanceboolean-To hide balance details in Account tab
showFilterbooleanTo hid or show the search and sort
showMenuboolean-if true we can see menu in wallet tab else it will not show
listingTypeenum-for sale listing user can give ListingType?.SALE and for claimable listing user can give ListingType?.CLAIMABLE
contentObject-to customize the text
tabConfigObjectTo customize the tab name and the tabs, by default all the three tabs will show
onClickLogoutfunction-function to handle disconnect wallet
onConnectWalletfunctionβœ…function to handle connect wallet
onClickCardfunctionfunction to handle card click
onViewItemfunction-function to handle custom redirection


Wallet tab:

Activity tab:

Account tab:



For complete documentation of the Secondary-marketplace SDK offerings, see the secondary-marketplace.