Advanced search and filter setup
Advanced search and filter setup
Customers can request to the support team for their personal auth tokens to use the elasticsearch APIs. Mojito will enable the option for customers. We will enable the search/filter api and allow customers to start utilising the data stream.
Primary marketplace
When we create sales from the admin portal, the sale details are populated in elastic search with the drop slug as the index name. All the listings created under a single drop will be available in a single index.
Supported sales
Buy now
- The buy now lot details will be stored in the elastic search with the collection item details
- The lot details will be updated on each sale, the available qty will be adjusted based on the sales.
- The auction details will be stored in the elastic search with the collection details
- On each bid incoming, the details will be updated in the elastic search index and the highest bid will be under the currentBid
- The claim lot details will be stored in the elastic search with the collection item details
- The lot details will be updated on each claim, the available qty will be adjusted based on the claims.
Secondary marketplace
- When we add to the registry from the admin portal or when we enable the auto registry option for primary sales, the secondary data gets uploaded to the elastic search.
- The data gets updated on each customer action to have the prices updated in real time.
When there is a list/offer made from the system, the history and the latest price updates will be added in the elastic search. - We can include the multiple filters and search options using this api.
Index Patterns
The index will follow general pattern like the following
For primary marketplace : orgHandle-primary-dropSlug
For secondary marketplace : orgHandle-secondary
The index can use an asterisk to fetch all the details as required.
- mojito-primary-drop1 will fetch all the listing information of the drop1.
- mojito-primary-* will fetch all the drop information of the organization that is pushed to elasticsearch.
- mojito-* will fetch all the data pushed to elasticsearch for the particular org irrespective of primary/secondary.
Updated 9 months ago