Create a New Sale

🛒Generate the new sales with your preference of period and status.

🚨 You have to set your organization and marketplace before creating a new sale.

Step 1: Click the + CREATE NEW ONE button

After you hit the Sales option on the left bar menu, you will see the + CREATE NEW ONE button below the Sales title page. Click the button to begin. The ADD NEW SALE pop-up box will appear.

Step 2: Fill in the Available Fields

In the pop-up box, you will find some fields you require to complete.

  • Name, the title of the new sale.
  • Status, the status of the sale. There are Active, Inactive, and Archived.
  • Description, the detailed explanation of the sale.
  • From & To, the period of the sale.

Step 3: Click on the Add button

Finalize your new sale formation by clicking the ADD button the right bottom side of the pop-up box.

The gif image below shows you the tutorial illustration.


Your new sale will be created and appear on the Sales dashboard.