
This object represents the transaction response.

successBooleanBuying transaction status.
orderObjectListed order details.
newNFTIDUUIDNFT token id.
newNFTObjectContains all the information from NFTToken that includes the information such as token name, token type, metadata json.
buyerWalletObjectContains all the information from Wallet that includes the information such as name, address, parent type. and etc..
selletWalletObjectContains all the information from Wallet that includes the information such as name, address, parent type. and etc..
networkObjectContains all the information from Network that includes the information such as name, chain id, rpc url and etc..
acknowledgementStatusStringTransaction status.
buyerObjectContains all the information from User that includes the information such as name, username,email and etc..
tokenOwnerUsernameStringToken Owner user name.