
This object contains information about artist.

idUUIDArtist id.
descriptionStringSome details about the artist.
artistNameStringArtist name.
slugStringArtist slug is unique for purpose of URL.
artistLocationStringArtist location.
artistContactEmailStringArtist contact email.
artistContactNumberStringArtist contact number.
artistWebsiteStringArtist website.
priorityIntegerPriority of the artists.
activeBooleanActive status.
marketplaceIdUUIDMarketplace id.
marketplaceObjectContains information from Marketplace such as name,organization id, theme and etc..
organizationIdUUIDThe organization id.
organizationObjectContains information from Organization such as handle, name, jwtIssuerDomain, members and etc..
createdAtTimeArtist created time.
redirectUrlStringArtist redirect url.
isDefaultBooleanArtist Boolean Flag.