
This object represents all the information about the marketplace auction lot.


idUUIDThe marketplace auction lot id.
lotNumberIntegerThe lot number.
marketplaceCollectionItemObjectContains all the information from MarketplaceCollectionItem such as marketplace token ID, sale type, name, etc.
marketplaceCollectionItemIdUUIDThe marketplace collection item ID.
startingBidFloatThe information of the starting bid.
reservePriceFloatThe information on the reserve price.
reserveMetBooleanConfirmation whether the reserve meets the standard.
previewDateTimeThe information on the preview date.
startDateTimeThe information on the start date.
endDateTimeThe information of the end date.
statusEnumRepresents the auction lot status. The value can either be Hidden, Preview, Active, or Completed.
currentBidObjectContains information from MarketplaceAuctionBid.
myBidObjectContains information from MarketplaceAuctionBid.
bidsQueryContains information from bids.
defaultConfigQueryContains information from defaultConfig
feeStructureObjectContains information from MarketplaceAuctionFeeStructure.
isOnchainAuctionBooleanThe auction transaction via blockchain if it's true.
maxEndDateTimeMaximum end time of the auction.
maxBidObjectContains information from MarketplaceAuctionBid .highest bid details in the auction.
subSaleTypeEnumContains all information from subSaleType
MarketplaceAuctionOnChainSettingsObjectContains information for auction sub sale types MarketplaceAuctionOnChainSettings