
This object contains all the information about the marketplace auction bid.


idUUIDThe ID for marketplace Auction Bid.
marketplaceAuctionLotIdUUIDThe ID for marketplace Auction Lot.
marketplaceAuctionLotObjectContains all the information from MarketplaceAuctionLot such as lot number, marketplace collection item, starting bid, reserve price, reserve met, preview date, start date, end date, status, current bid, etc.
currentBidFloatInformation of the current bid in the marketplace auction.
maximumBidFloatInformation of the maximum bid in the marketplace auction.
userIdUUIDThe user ID.
amountFloatInformation of the amount of the bid in an auction.
userOrganizationObjectContains all the information from UserOrganization.
isCurrentBooleanConfirmation whether the bid is current.
nextBidIncrementFloatInformation of the next bid increment.
createdAtTimeInformation of the time when the bid created.
marketplaceUserObjectContains all the information from MarketplaceUser such as ID, avatar, and username.
isMineBooleanConfirmation whether the auction bid is belong to the user.
buyersPremiumFloatInformation of the buyers premium.
overheadPremiumFloatInformation of the overhead premium.
finalPriceFloatInformation of the final price.
txHashStringBid transaction hash.
taxFloatThe Tax of the bid amount.
walletAddressStringBidder wallet address.
commissionFeeFloatCommission fee of the NFT owner.
platformFeeFloatPlatform fee of the marketplace.
billingDetailsObjectContains the information from billingDetails
transactionHashStringBid transaction hash.
currencyStringBidding currency name i.e ETH, WETH
deliveryOfFundsEnumIf the auction NFT other user buy means bid amount is delivered or not.i.e YES or NO.
deliveryOfNftEnumIf the bidder owns the auction NFT will be delivered to the bidder i.e YES or NO
nftDeliveredAddressStringNFT delivery address.
BidOwnEnumBid owne or not .
blockChainStringBlockchain name like Ethereum or Polygon.
invoiceNumberStringBidder own the NFT means invoice will present.
claimRebateAmountFloatFor dutch auction eligibility of rebate amount.
claimStatusEnumUser have eligibile for claim the rebate amount.
auctionEndDateTimeAuction end date with time.