
In this quick start guide, we will show you an end-to-end process of Auth0 setup to use our Mojito API.

Auth0 Quickstart Guide


  1. Sign up to our Mojito Admin Portal through our support channel.
  2. Mojito will grant you access to Mojito Admin Portal through email.
  3. Create and set up an Auth0 tenant account here with the same email you sign up with Mojito mint.
  4. In Auth0 dashboard, go to Applications > Applications > Default App.
  5. Under Settings, set the Application Type to be Native.

  1. Scroll down to the bottom and click Save Changes.
  2. Under Settings, copy the Auth0 Domain.

  1. Login to our Mojito Mint and go to Settings, Organization, JWT Issuer Domain
  2. Set Auth0 Domain that you have in the JWT Issuer Domain Box here:
  1. Click Update Domain.